How to Buy Flower Essences
A custom blend created just for you with the magic of flowers.
Read more on booking your own Custom Flower Essence Session.

How do I purchase a Handcrafted Blend of Flower Essences?
Due to changes with Health Canada, I have unfortunately had to close my online Flower Essence store. I can still provide custom Flower Essences to you, though we need to meet for at least one individual appointment first. Please email me at lisa@combinationhealing.ca to set up an appointment.
Natural healthcare remedies, which include herbs, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, and so much more are being threatened within Canada. Health Canada is moving to put in legistlation that would shut down most single practitioner herbalists, flower essence makers, and small batch companies due to the thousands of dollars in regulation costs that would be required. There is still time to change this from going ahead, you can learn more, sign the petition and get invovled here
You can book in to see Lisa at 2 locations in Rossland, BC:
I acknowledge that I live, work, and play on the traditional and unceded territory of the Sn̓ʕaýckstx (Sinixt), the Secwepemc, the Ktunaxa, and the Syilx. This area is also called Rossland, BC, Canada in the beautiful South Kootenay Region.