How to Take Your Flower Essences
There’s more than one way to take your Handcrafted Flower Essences!

How Do I Take My Handcrafted Flower Essences?
Each person may end up taking their Flower Essences differently, though a typical way to take them is 4 drops in a small amount of water, 4 times a day.
Others find they take 1 drop once a day and that is enough for them. Or I prepare a mister bottle and they simply spray their Flower Essences around their body.
You can also rub a few drops on an area of your body you are looking for healing with, such as a sore joint, instead of taking them internally. You can add them to your bath, place them on your chakras or acupoints, or simply to an area you are intuitively drawn to applying them.
Sometimes you notice an immediate change, though often it takes a few days to weeks for the change to take place. Some Flower Essences will have a subtle effect on you, whereas others will be much more directly noticeable.
They are often used as a compliment to other therapies, though check with your medical provider if you have any specific questions.
Available in Rossland, BC or anywhere in North America (via Zoom for our consultations) and your Flower Essences will be mailed to you! Book in for your Flower Essence Consultation by emailing me at lisa@combinationhealing.ca
This website and the statements it contains have not been evaluated by Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.