List of Flower Essences
Read all about the different types of Flower Essences here

Flower Essence Library
How to use the Flower Essence Library:
1) How to Read the Descriptions:
The name of each flower is followed by the description from the companies website or repertory; the company that made the Flower Essence is listed in brackets.
Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy: Julian Barnard creates the Bach Flower Remedies in the traditional manner and lands of Dr. Bach.
FES: Flower Essences Services is run by a wonderful couple who have been making and testing Flower Essences for over 30 years. All writings for FES Flower Essences are credited to Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz from www.store.FES.com
Combination Healing: Lovingingly handcrafted by myself, Lisa Matthews, in Rossland and other areas in BC.
Alaskan Essences: Beautiful essences with plants from Alaska.
2) Selecting Flower Essences:
- As you read through the descriptions, notice which describe your current state, and which resonate strongly with you.
- Due to recent changes with Health Canada, I have had to close my online store. If you’d like to order Flower Essences, I’ll need to meet with you for an individual session first. You can book in for a flower essence consultation by emailing me directly at lisa@combinatinhealing.ca
If you’d like to choose your own blend, choose 1-4 Flower Essences and then get in touch with me via lisa@combinationhealing.ca
Agrimony: For those who hide their worries and mental suffering behind a smile. Often avoiding conflict and saying “Oh that’s ok, it was no big deal!” Tendency to numb and minimize feelings through addictions, drug, alcohol, or others. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Aloe Vera Over-emphasis of will forces or creative fervor; “burned-out” or workaholic syndrome. Supporting a change to: Creative activity integrated with vital life-energy, active expression of soul fire. (FES)
Alpine Aster: Fear of death or spiritually transcendent states of consciousness; materialistic identification with the physical dimension; inability to recognize the reality of spiritual dimensions of existence due to over-identification with physical plane or physical body. Supporting a change to: Body-free spiritual consciousness; ability to realize independent consciousness beyond the body; cultivation of sense-free states of meditation and dreaming; loosening of the spiritual body from the physical in the death transition or other spiritual experiences. (FES)
Alpine Azalea: Indications: self doubt; low self-esteem; withholding love and compassion from ourselves; unable to love or accept certain parts of ourselves. Healing Qualities: helps us achieve unconditional self-acceptance through the release of self-doubt; opens our hearts to the spirit of love; teaches us compassion through understanding. (Alaskan Essences)
Angelica: Feeling cut off, bereft of spiritual guidance and protection; spiritual orphan. Supporting a change to: Helps us to align with the Guardian Spirit, also called the Guardian Angel or Spiritual Guide. Feeling protection and guidance from spiritual beings, especially during threshold experiences such as birth and death, or other life passages. (FES)
Arnica: Disconnection of Higher Self from body during shock or trauma; disassociation, unconsciousness, dysfunction or latent illness deriving from past trauma. Supporting a change to: conscious embodiment, despite emergency or stress; recovery from deep-seated strain, post-trauma, or scarring.” (FES)
Aspen: For vague, unknown fears, or a sense of foreboding without a specific cause. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Baby Blue-Eyes: Defensiveness, insecurity, mistrust of others; estrangement from higher spiritual authority; lack of support from the father or other masculine influences in childhood. Supporting a change to: childlike innocence and trust; feeling supported and loved, especially by male figures; faith in the providence of spiritual beings.” (FES)
Beech: For overly critical feelings about other people, which often stems from being very self-critical (though this is often self-conscious). (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Birch (Paper Birch) Indications: confusion or disorientation about the direction life should take; unable to connect with deeper levels of insight regarding life purpose. Healing Qualities: encourages a gentle unveiling of the true and essential self that is present within; helps us gain a clearer perspective on our life purpose and how to live it. (Alaskan Essences)
Blackberry: Inability to translate goals and ideals into concrete action or viable activities; procrastination. Supporting a change to: Competent manifestation in the world; clearly directed forces of will, intentional and decisive action.” (FES)
Black-Eyed Susan: Avoidance or repression of traumatic or shadow aspects of the personality, addictive or hypnotic behavior due to loss of consciousness. Supporting a change to: Awake consciousness capable of acknowledging all aspects of the Self; penetrating insight and self-aware behavior. (FES)
Bleeding Heart: Entangled in relationships based on fear, possessiveness or neediness; emotional co-dependence. Supporting a change to: Ability to love others unconditionally, with an open heart; emotional freedom. (FES)
Blueberry Pollen Indications: lack of belief in our ability to manifest abundance; low prosperity consciousness; difficulty receiving from others and from the Earth. Healing Qualities: helps us expand on all levels to accommodate abundance; facilitates the release of mental and emotional attachments that limit our ability to manifest higher purpose in physical form. (Alaskan Essences)
Blue Poppy Indications: weak or dysfunctional connection between the spiritual and physical aspects of self; heavy perspective on life; lack of balance between inner male and female. Healing Qualities: helps us unify all aspects of our masculine and feminine characteristics within our physical bodies; helps us perceive all elements of our world and environment with joy, strength and integrity.
Black Spruce Indications: contracted view of life; tendency to forget information learned from past experiences; out of touch with the wisdom of our soul family. Healing Qualities: promotes the integration of information from past lessons and experiences into present time awareness; helps us access eternal and archetypal wisdom from the collective consciousness of the Earth. (Alaskan Essences)
Bluegreen Tourmaline Indications: inner turbulence and agitation; weak vertical alignment; excess mental energy blocking the downward flow of spiritual forces; fear and resistance held in the heart. Healing Qualities: clears, expands and aligns the heart chakra into a more evolved relationship with the Higher Self; opens us to allow more peace and solace to reside in our being on a permanent basis; enables us to embody higher frequencies of Universal wisdom; moves us from distraction and waywardness to quiet, centered strength and self-reflection.
Bog Candle Indications: caught up in confusion, shame, fear and guilt; prone to destructive or degrading tendencies; extremely low self-esteem. Healing Qualities: support for cycles of initiation, death and rebirth; enables us to emerge from a deep experience of transformation with a new sense of wisdom; helps us bring discarded aspects of ourselves back to the embrace of Divine love. (Alaskan Essences)
Borage: “Heavy-heartedness or grief, lack of confidence in facing difficult circumstances; depressive behavior. Supporting a change to: ebullient heart forces, buoyant courage and optimism.” (FES)
Buttercup: “Feelings of low self-worth, inability to acknowledge or experience one’s inner light and uniqueness; self-deprecating. Supporting a change: to radiant inner light, unattached to outer recognition or fame; self-assured.” (FES)
California Peony: “Predominance of passive yin forces, repressed vitality, sensuality or sexuality; difficulty with money and power issues. Supporting a change to: celebration of life; healthy instinct for pleasure; cultivation of magnetic and charismatic soul forces through integration with the vital forces in the lower chakras.” (FES)
California Pitcher Plant: Listless or anemic; disassociated from or fearful of the instinctual aspects of the Self, poor digestion and assimilation. Supporting a change to: Earthy vitality, healthy bodily instincts. (FES)
Canyon Dudleya: Distorted psychic experiences; inflated involvement in psychic or charismatic experiences; addiction to “trauma-drama” lifestyle. Supporting a change to: Balanced psychic and physical energies; grounded presence in everyday life; positive charisma. (FES)
Cedar: For grounding and protection which brings a feeling of emotional stability; can feel like you’re coming up for air if you’ve been stuck in a whirlwind of chaotic feelings. (Combination Healing)
Centaury: For the inability to say no to other people, always saying yes even when you would rather not. Helps support your inner ability to choose your commitments and priorities by saying no when needed. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Cerato: For those who ask others for advice all the time, instead helping you tune into and trust your own inner voice and intuition. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Chamomile: Easily upset, moody and irritable, inability to release emotional tension, especially in the stomach or solar plexus. Supporting a change to: Serene, sun-like disposition, emotional balance.
Cherry Plum: For fear you’re going to lose control or have a nervous breakdown and do something you’ll later regret. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Chestnut Bud: When you seem to repeat your mistakes and can’t seem to catch the lesson. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Chicory: For when you are showing behaviors that masquerade as love, but are more possessive, over-bearing, or manipulative. Often this is done unconsciously. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Clematis: For feeling spacey and like you daydream often. A distracted state when one is floating around the mental or imaginal plane. Also excellent for dreamers who stay stuck in the idea phase, helps translate ideas to grounded action. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Cleome: Research Essence- Made on Galiano Island, BC (Combination Healing)
Cloudberry Indications: cloudy inner vision; looking outside of ourselves for insight and answers; always overwhelmed with details; obsessed with trying to figure things out. Healing Qualities: helps us learn to change by surrendering to our inner vision; for replacing low self-esteem with an awareness of inner value; helps us open to the source of our being and reflect this out into the world for others to see. (Alaskan Essences)
Corn: Inability to stay centered in the body; disorientation and stress, particularly in urban or crowded environments. Supports a change to: Alignment with the Earth, especially through the body and feet; grounded presence (FES) additional note: excellent grounding essence for use when you’re on your computer/phone for extended periods of time
Chaparall: Psychic and physical toxicity, disturbed dreams and chaotic inner life, toxicity due to drugs, violence or post-traumatic stres. Supporting a change to: Balanced psychic awareness, deep penetration and understanding of the transpersonal aspects of oneself. (FES)
Crab Apple: For feelings of being unclean and unhappy with your appearance (think pimples, or body image issues). Also helpful for being very picky, perfectionist, and obsessed with minor details. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Dandelion (I have two types of Dandelion, the first is made by Combination Healing, the next is made by FES) Helps one to connect to their own sense of personal power and inner authority. From this place, it becomes easier to make decisions and find creative solutions. Also helps you to continue walking your path, even when you don’t know exactly what the next steps are, by using your energy in a paced or measured way…instead of trying to do everything at once. (Combination Healing) See the full blog post on Dandelion Flower Essence [right here] (https://combinationhealing.ca/blog/creative_power_from_dandelion_flower_essence.ca)
Dandelion Tense, rigid or stiff, especially in the musculature of the body; over-striving and hard-driving. Supporting a change to: Dynamic physical energy and expressive life force; inner ease in work and play. (FES)
Dill: “Overwhelm due to excess stimulation, hypersensitivity to environment or to outer activity, sensory congestion. Supporting a change to: have the ability to experience and absorb a wide variety of sensory experiences, heightened awareness of taste, touch, hearing, sight, smell, etc.” (FES)
Dogwood: Awkward and painful awareness of the body; latent emotional trauma or abuse affecting the body, accident prone. Supporting a change to: Grace-filled movement, physical and etheric harmony in the body.
Downy Avens: “Precocious development of intellectual capacities with lagging emotional development; easily bored or distracted due to lack of heart attention and imagination; tendency to hyperactivity or Attention Deficit Disorder. Supporting a change to: intelligence that is integrated in head and heart; enduring wisdom derived from incremental development of soul forces; patient and progressive cultivation of thinking forces with over-all soul identity.” (FES)
Echinacea: “Shattered by severe trauma or abuse; physical or emotional disintegration of Self Identity; poor immune function; vacant presence. Supporting a change to: core integrity and immunity, maintaining a strong sense of Self, especially when challenged by stress or disease.” (FES)
Elm: When you feel like you have too much responsibilty, too much resting on your shoulders. May come after graduation or taking on a new role, when one feels like they are having a “crisis of responsibility.” (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Evening Primrose: “Profound feeling of rejection stemming from in utero or early childhood experience; avoidance of commitment in relationships, fear of parenthood; sexual and emotional coldness or repression. Supporting a change to: awareness and healing of painful early emotions absorbed from parents; ability to open emotionally and form deep, committed relationship.” (FES)
Fawn Lily: “Withdrawal, isolation, self-protection; overly delicate or mystical, lacking the inner strength to participate in community and family. Supporting a change to: involvement in the social fabric of the world; ability to share one’s spiritual gifts with others.” (FES)
False Hellebore: Indications: insecure; holding back; stuck in old ways of viewing life; in denial; inflexibility based on a fear of moving forward. Healing Qualities: promotes the release of false concepts and assumptions; catalyzes movement from the old to the new; helps us face and liberate our deepest, darkest fears. (Alaskan Essences)
Filaree: “Obsessive worry and compulsion about minor events; unable to gain a wider perspective in daily life; hyper-focus on small details. Supporting a change to: star-like vision, a cosmic overview which holds the events of ordinary life in perspective.” (FES)
Fireweed: Research Essence- Made in Rossland, BC (Combination Healing)
Five Flower Formula aka Rescue Remedy: For times of stress, crisis, and overwhelm. For example, running late to a job interview, just after an accident, or for when your toddler is in a tantrum. Can help calm your nerves and bring a greater sense of ease within you. The Five Flowers are Clematis, Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, and Cherry Plum. Aka Bach Rescue Remedy by a different company. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Forget-Me-Not: Lack of connection with souls in the spiritual world; loneliness and isolation due to death of a loved one; soul myopia. Supporting a change to: Awareness of karmic connections in one’s personal relationships and with those in the spiritual world; deep mindfulness of subtle realms; soul-based relationships. (FES)
Garlic: “Fearful or weak due to parasitic influence, prone to low vitality; mediumistic. Supporting a change to: resilient and vital response to life, active resistance to adverse influences.” (FES)
Gentian: For feeling discouraged after a set-back, and when a sense of doubt makes you question your ability to try again. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Goldenrod: “Overly influenced by group or cultural ties; inability to be true to oneself, easily susceptible to peer pressure or external social demands. Supporting a change to: strong and secure sense of individuality, balanced with group or social consciousness.” (FES)
Gorse: For feeling like it is utterly hopeless to try again (to apply for another job, to see another practitioner, to date another person) and for when you’ve given up. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Grief Relief Blend: “Solace and Insight in times of sorrow and searching. To assist in re-building the soul’s foundations due to the death of a beloved one – whether human or animal. To help in the dissolution of any meaningful relationship, such as divorce or dislocation. During any natural disaster punctuated by death, destruction and loss, both for relief workers and for victims. During times of personal loss or set-back when the soul feels empty and is searching for new direction or meaning. Flower essences: Pink Yarrow, Bleeding Heart, Love Lies Bleeding, California Wild Rose, Borage, Forget-Me-Not and Explorer’s Gentian; Essential oils: Melissa, Myrhh.” (FES)
Heather: For talking so much about your problems to others that you actually begin to feel lonely, when there is an obsession of your challenges in life and that you must always share this withothers (this extra talking is often done unconsciously). (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Holly: For jealousy, envy, or anger towards another person. When you expect someone to treat you badly and thus feel suspicious of that person’s motivations. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Honeysuckle: For living in the past and always thinking about how good life was back then…and that the good ol’ days have gone by. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Hornbeam: For when you struggle to begin a task or start work…that sense of procrastination pervades and a feeling of tiredness at even starting whatever it is. Though once you do get going you find you gain energy and are able to keep going without much trouble. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Impatiens: When you are either always rushing, always trying to get to the next thing. Or for when you are frustrated with the “slowness” of others and often take over the job just to get it done. Supports a change to appreciate the present moment at its current pace. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Indian Pink: Psychic forces which are easily fragmented by too much movement; frayed and overwhelmed during multi-leveled activity. Supporting a change to: Ability to remain centered and focused, even under stress or high levels of activity; managing and coordinating diverse tasks. (FES)
Joshua Tree: Generational karma which shackles the soul’s potential; inability to break free from family or cultural patterns of dysfunction, such as alcoholism, addiction, depression, violence or hereditary illnesses; loss of individual identity and freedom due to lack of insight regarding familial and cultural influences. Supporting a change to: Individuation of soul forces through conscious transformation of family patterns and related cultural conditioning; enhanced freedom and compassionate insight for family and culture of origin. (FES)
Lady’s Slipper: “Life purpose and direction not aligned with outer activity; nervous exhaustion or sexual depletion due to inability to access life force in the lower chakras. Supporting a change to: higher purpose aligned with daily work, integration of spiritual vision with vital forces in the root and creative chakras.” (FES)
Larch: For a “lack of confidence, expectation of failure, self-censorship, unable to find one’s voice or speak one’s convictions.” Supports a shift into “self-confidence, creative expression, ability to be spontaneous and take risks.” (writing by P. Kaminski & R.Katz) (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Lavendar: A soothing remedy to help you feel more like yourself again when you are stressed or anxious. A wonderful addition to most calming blends. (Combination Healing)
Lilac (Purple): Research Essence- Made in Rossland, BC (Combination Healing)
Madia: Easily distracted, inability to concentrate, splintered activity that is unproductive. Supporting a change to: Precise thinking, disciplined focus and concentration. (FES)
Mariposa Lily: Alienated from mother or from mothering role, feelings of childhood abandonment or abuse; orphan state of consciousness. Supporting a change to: Maternal consciousness, warm, feminine and nurturing; mother-child bonding, positive connection to mother and similar female figures. (FES)
Mimulus: For a specific, known, often everyday fear such as a fear of heights, dogs, or other regular occurrence. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Mountain Forget-Me-Not: Research Essence- Made in Rossland, BC (Combination Healing)
Mountain Pennyroyal: “Unconscious absorption of negative programming, psychic contamination or possession. Supporting a change to: strength and clarity of thought, mental integrity and positivity.” (FES)
Mustard: For when you feel down in the dumps and you don’t know why, depression without a cause that you can identify. Often comes on suddenly and without relation to your current life events. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Nettle Plant Essence A transformative essence, Nettle fortifies while bringing in vitality especially for those feeling weak and depleted. It begins moving stagnant energy when one is on a jealing journey and/or going through a tumultuous time in life. Helpful in establishing a “backbone” to connect to your inner confidence and strength. Helpful for quiet, overly “nice” individuals looking to stand up for themselves. (Combination Healing)
Oak: For the person who soldiers on and works far too long, past their physical limits, yet with a feeling of responsibility that they must carry on. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Olive: When you are exhausted, particularly after stress, overworking, or illness. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Pine: For feeling guilty about seemingly every little thing in life. Even if it’s not your fault, you’re likely to take the blame willingly. You are most critical with yourself. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Pink Monkeyflower: “Feelings of shame, guilt, or unworthiness; fear of exposure and rejection due to prior abuse or trauma. Supporting a change to: emotional transparency; courage to take emotional risks with others.” (FES)
Pink Yarrow: “Unbalanced sympathetic [empathetic] forces, overly absorbent auric field, lack of emotional clarity, dysfunctional merging with others. Supporting a change to: loving awareness of others within a field of self-contained consciousness; appropriate emotional boundaries.” (FES)
Queen Anne’s Lace: “Projection or lack of objectivity in psychic awareness; distortion of psychic perception or physical eyesight due to sexual or emotional imbalances. Supporting a change to: spiritual insight and vision; integration of psychic faculties with sexual and emotional aspects of Self.” (FES)
Rabbitbrush: Easily overwhelmed by details; unable to cope with simultaneous events, “fuzzy” consciousness that is unable to register details. Supporting a change to: Lively and alert mental field; acute sensory perception and mobile state of mind. (FES)
Red Chestnut: When you worry too much for your family or close friends. Whether that be overly concerned about their health my uncle really shouldn’t be mowing the grass with his heart” or their emotions: “ie I hope my daughter feels ok at her first sleepover.” (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Red Clover: A nervous system reset. Helpful after a long illness or period of stress, exhaustion. Assists in restoring your foundational energy system, especially for women relating to their menstrual cycle or menopause. (Combination Healing)
Redwood: “Lack of physical strength, stature; hereditary or health issues that deplete vitality; stunted development of physical forces; spinal injuries or other afflictions to spinal health or bone structure. Supporting a change to: stature and majesty in physical incarnation; soul embrace of creative forces of growth and physical vitality.”
Rock Rose: For extreme feelings of terror or panic, particularly when you feel like you’re feeling “out of your body.” (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Rock Water: For deep rigidity and inflexibility. You don’t tell others the way things should be done, you just ensure you lead by example and do things to your exacting measures. Prone to harsh routines or schedules. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Rosemary: “Forgetfulness or poor learning ability, loosely incarnated in body, lacking physical/etheric warmth, especially in bodily extremities; traumatic out-of-body spiritual experiences. Supporting a change to : warm physical presence and mental vitality; healthy embodiment.” (FES)
Round-Leaved Violet (Yellow): Research Essence- Made in Rossland, BC (Combination Healing)
Saint John’s Wort: Psychic and physical vulnerability; fearful or disturbed dreams; insomnia; depression due to lack of contact with spiritual world. Supporting a change to: Illumined consciousness, light-filled awareness; solar strength; provides protective and stengthening forces; helping the soul to consolidate and animate its inner reservoir of light. (FES)
Sage: Seeing life as ill-fated or undeserved; inability to perceive higher purpose and meaning in life events. Supporting a change to: Wisdom derived from life experience; ability to assess and understand life process from a higher perspective. (FES)
Sagebrush: Over-identification with illusory parts of oneself; cluttered and chaotic attachments; need to release dysfunctional and stifling aspects within the personality or surroundings. Supporting a change to: Essential awareness that releases what is extraneous, receptive “emptiness” capable of transformation and change. (FES)
Self-Heal: To mobilize the healing forces available within you. When there are many layers of ourselves (body, mind, soul, especially multiple accidents and traumas) requiring healing. A good heal-all and excellent introductory essence if you are new to Flower Essences. (Combination Healing)
Scarlet Monkeyflower: “Fear or repression of intense feelings; inability to act upon issues of anger and powerlessness; need to be seen as “nice” rather than “real.” Supporting a change to: direct and clear communication of deep feelings, especially anger or disappointment, integration of the emotional “shadow.” (FES)
Scleranthus: For when you are indecisive. First one choice seems like the right one, then moments later you change your mind to the other option. At times a paralyzing feeling when you’re unable to choose even something simple, such as which type of bread to buy. Supports an appreciation of the different benefits of each decision while helping you to make a choice. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Shasta Daisy: “Over-intellectualization of reality, especially seeing information as bits and pieces rather than parts of a whole; artificial or mechanized intelligence. Supporting a change to: mandalic or holistic consciousness, ability to synthesize disparate ideas into a living wholeness.” (FES)
Shooting Star: Profound feeling of alienation, especially not feeling at home on Earth, nor a part of the human family; disturbed birth trauma. Supporting a change to: Humanized spirituality, cosmic consciousness warmed with caring for all that is human and earthly. (FES)
Spreading Phlox: “Caught in meaningless social circles or false societal expectations; inability to identify new opportunities and connect with groups that are aligned with true soul purpose. Supporting a change to: activation of soul destiny through social impulses and connections; ability to recognize and manifest significant relationships that foster life purpose and destiny.” (FES)
Snapdragon: “Verbal aggression and hostility; repressed or misdirected libido; mouth and jaw tension, misplaced snapping, biting or eating behaviors. Supporting a change to: lively, dynamic energy; healthy libido; verbal communication which is emotionally balanced.” (FES)
Star of Bethlehem: For when you feel a shock, such as receiving horrible news, or trauma that has happened recently or in the past and that impacts your body, mind, or soul. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Star Jasmine: Research Essence (FES)
Star Thistle: Fear of lack, inability to give freely and spontaneously, miserly or hoarding tendencies. Supporting a change to: Generous and inclusive, ability to share with others due to an inner feeling of abundance. (FES)
Star Tulip: Inability to cultivate quiet inner presence, lack of attunement or soul insight, unable to meditate or pray. Supporting a change to: Sensitive and receptive attunement; serene soul disposition, inner listening to others and to higher worlds, especially in dreams and meditation. (FES)
Sunflower: Distorted or vacillating sense of Self; inflation or self-effacement, low self-esteem or arrogance; poor relation to father or solar aspects of Self. Supporting a change to: Unique individuality, spiritualized ego forces infused into a sun-radiant personality. (FES)
Sweet Chestnut: A deep state of despair, akin to a “dark night of the soul.” (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Tansy: “Lethargy, procrastination, inability to take straightforward action; habits which undermine or subvert real abilities and talents. Supporting a change to: decisive and goal-oriented, purposeful in action, self-directed mastery and achievement.” (FES)
Vervain: For when you feel so entirely devoted to a cause that you overspend your energy on it, tending to try and convert others to your campaign or belief. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Vine: When you tend to control a situation and force people to follow your directions or complete a task in the way you deem appropriate. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Walnut: For when you need protection and are overly prone to influences from others on your thoughts. Also for times of change such as moving house or changing careers. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Water Violet: For when you feel lonely, but don’t want to associate with people, particularly if you (consciously or unconsciously) deem them as being “lower” than you. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
White Chestnut: For circling, repetitive thoughts and worries that drain your energy and agitate your mind, often leading to anxiety. Supports a change to a calm and peaceful state of mind. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Wild Oat: When you know you are here to do something worthwhile and have a deep sense of purpose to do…something, you’re just not sure what. Wild Oat helps you connect to the meaningful work you were made for in this lifetime. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Wild Rose: For when you are unable to see the beauty in life and are just living in a world of gray. You feel apathetic and are just trudging on with the duties of daily life. Also for when you have had a long-term illness that hasn’t cleared and the pain caused by this causes you to push all of the troubling thoughts away, so you can simply get through another day. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Willow: For a state of self-pity, particularly when you feel others are to blame for your situation. (Healingherbs- Bach Flower Remedy)
Yarrow: Extreme vulnerability to others and to the environment; easily depleted, overly absorbent of negative influences, psychic toxicity. Supporting a change to: Luminous and strong auric field, compassionate and inclusive sensitivity, refined and flexible psychic forces. (FES)
Yarrow Environmental Solutions: “Disturbance of life-force and vitality by noxious radiation, pollution, or other geopathic stress; residual effects of past exposure; dysfunctional immune response; allergic hypersensitivity. Supporting a change to: physical and etheric vitality, self-regulating and adaptive immune response to environmental stresses. A mixture of Yarrow, Pink Yarrow, Golden Yarrow, Arnica, and Echinacea flower essences, along with herbal tinctures of Yarrow and Echinacea, in a sea salt water base; preserved with brandy.” (FES)
Yerba Santa: Constricted feelings, particularly in the heart and lungs; internalized grief and melancholy, deeply repressed emotions. Supporting a change to: Free-flowing emotion, ability to harmonize breathing with feeling; capacity to express a full range of human emotions, especially pain and sadness; positive melancholy and soul depth. (FES)
Zinnia: “Over-serious and dull, lack of spontaneity or humor; overly somber self-identity; workaholic tendencies. Supporting a change to: childlike playfulness and curiosity, detached perspective on Self, sense of humor.” (FES)
If this list feels overwhelming to read through (I know there’s a lot of information here!), I offer Custom Flower Essence Consultations to co-create your blend with you.
This website and the statements it contains have not been evaluated by Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.