What is your Medicine (Part 1)
Discovering Your Medicine
April 9, 2019
Gaining insight and clarity in life by discovering your medicine
It’s such a gift to be able to know what one wants to do in this lifetime (or this part of this lifetime since we seem to go through many cycles in one life now!)
Many are feeling like they are lost and ambling through life, being stuck in the day to day. The grind. The mentality of: “Sigh…it’s Monday, another Monday” and “TGIF…WOOOO freedom!!!”
But this is it. This is our life. This is THE DAY that we have to live. To be in. To do, well, whatever it is we can best do. (And I do believe everyone is doing their best at any one time…I also believe this can change day to day and that we always have space for improvement).
So how do we KNOW what we want? How do we live this fulfilling life that so many flashy FB or insta ads promise us? How do we follow our path?
By first acknowledging that we have a path. And that each of us comes with a special gift, a particular medicine for this world.
And I don’t mean medicine of the “it comes in a bottle” variety. I mean medicine that is: holding space for others, parenting a young soul, caring for the animals, being a listening ear, taking care of the Earth Mother, the list is endless.
Your medicine fills you up. It gives you that sense of right-ness that yes, THIS is what I’m meant to be doing. It may be not (and likely will not) always come easily, there may be more study involved to learn your craft, or a re-shifting of priorities to give yourself time to be with your medicine.
It also may not be your vocation or your career. Perhaps you’re a streamkeeper and you care for the waters and the water creatures. Or you volunteer with the Elders of our generations, who are in a care home. Or you grow flowers as surprise gifts for your neighbours.
Whatever it is, your medicine is unique to you and very special for you. You may not know what it is, though you can begin a relationship with it by inviting its presence into your life. Asking it to make itself known to you, to clarify it.
This is part of what makes you, you. Your medicine will help guide in your life and help shift you out of the day to day grind, and into the magic of each moment we are gifted here on Mother Earth.
Maybe a journal prompt to get started is:
A letter to my medicine: Thank-you for telling me all about yourself and how we best sit together. We can start getting to know each other today by…..
And just see where it takes you.
Another way to get in touch with your medicine is to think about your passions. The things you’ve done in life, perhaps in your childhood or your teenage days that really lit you up. You last track of time doing them, but when life got full of responsibilites…you may not have created the space for this particular “hobby” into your life anymore. Reflection goes a long, long way, especially on a walk through the woods where there’s a bit more space to think.
And a final suggestion, for those that feel they are called to do something very meaningful with their life. They know they have something so important to give and that this is potentially their livelihood as well. The trouble is, you just don’t know what that is! If you’d like to work on a soul level with this calling, you can explore Wild Oat Flower Essence.
This can create new shifts in you and your energy field, inviting in the knowledge of what you’re here, and perhaps what your medicine really is. (You can read more about Flower Essences [right here] (https://combinationhealing.ca/flower_essences/).
Dr. Edward Bach says this about Wild Oat:
“Those who have ambitions to do something of prominence in life, who wish to have much experience, and to enjoy all that which is possible for them, to take life to the full. Their difficulty is to determine what occupation to follow; as although their ambitions are strong, they have no calling which appeals to them above all others. This my cause delay and dissatisfaction.”
-Bach, E. (1941) The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies.
So friends, enjoy the discovery (or re-discovery) of your medicine, and let me know what you find out!! Send me an email or a DM on instagram. I’m excited for your journey!
With love,
Lisa Matthews